Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bronchitis, not Larangitis

Gabor doesn't appreciate the difference, a difference which is life threatening for me. However, Gabor especially, and also David and Lara, have been present and fabulous - shaking, slapping, pushing, massaging (officially called assisted coughing) - whatever it takes to get the guck up so I can keep on breathing. Today has been a little better, and I have been up a few hours, breathing, eating, getting my hair washed and catching up on e-mail.

As Gabor wrote it has also been an intimate time of sharing and recreating our commitment to inclusion, the tour and to life itself. After a valiant and successful struggle to get one mucous clot up I told him I'd give him three more years!

It's clear this respite at the other end of the Rabbit Hole is time limited. The work and we need a base, a home, a strategy and resources. But I could not have planned for or imagined a more valuable research retreat than the past few months have been.

As always there is more to say but time and breath (for the puff/sip Morse Code) are limited.

Love; Judith

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Judith, You and your team are in my thoughts and prayers each day. Please take care of yourself. Don't OVER DO things. Your blogs are a wonderful gift. At times I worry because I see what you want to be something much bigger than most of us can see. A new realty for the world that not many really understand yet. Please get well, take care of yourself, so you can continue creating a world where eveyone gifts can be recongized and appreciated by all. Love Barb H